EVENT - Farm Forestry Trail

WHERE: 786 Sandspit Road – Warkworth

DATE: 30/08/2021

TIME: 9:00 AM

Need an idea for a short walk between the showers this weekend?The bridges referred to in the story below are now all complete!

Building Bridges with the Mahurangi Trail Society

The Matakana Coast Trail Trust is proud to be funding the work to bring a private trail to public walkway standard and to set in place easements to ensure that this access remains in perpetuity. The 4 Bridges project is being undertaken on the Farm Forestry Trail on Sandspit Road by the Mahurangi Trail Society. The project involves remediating and bringing 4 existing wooden structures to the standard agreed with Auckland Council.

Hutchinson Consulting has provided a significant amount of professional help. The project team has also received guidance and project support from the AKL Council Community Facilities people and the Walking Access Commission. All of the timber components have been cut and fitted off site to eliminate the possibility of treated timber sawdust entering the Duck Creek. As the project nears completion, more than 220 hours of volunteer labour has been invested.


Pictured: Man with his bike.


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