N.B. Submissions closed on Monday 28th March, thanks to everyone who has submitted support. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the team via Contact Us.
The moment of truth has arrived! We are excited to be getting closer to realising our vision however, to get underway, we need your support – it will take just 2 minutes of your time!
To secure $13.7 million for walking and cycling infrastructure in Rodney East, we need you to get online and Have your Say! Read on for more detail and then click the link below to make a submission.
Auckland Council – Have your Say
The development of the trail will happen in three stages, span 117 kilometres from Pūhoi to Mangawhai, and cost just $50 million to complete.
Stage One will connect the rapidly growing towns of Warkworth, Matakana, and Snells Beach, with huge benefits for residents, the wider Auckland community, and tourists.
A sum of $13.7 million has been earmarked to support the construction of Stage 1 of the trail, as part of the Climate Action Targeted Rate (CATR). However, there is a risk these funds for 24km’s of new cycleway could be diverted to other projects. That’s where you come in!
If you support our vision, please support the proposed Climate Action Targeted Rate, as part of Auckland Council’s Annual Budget Consultation process. This will ensure the trail secures funding for Stage 1 and work can get underway. Have your say by making a submission before the cut-off date of March 28.
Here’s our guide and tips on how to submit:
1. Go to Auckland Council’s website – Have your Say page
2. Tick Support to Question One – Climate Action Targeted Rate.
Under ‘Tell us why’: Write a personalised sentence / paragraph or two. Here’s some suggestions to make life easy!
I would love to have more options to walk and cycle within the Auckland region. I am excited to see $228 million towards building more cycleways and walkways, especially connecting Warkworth to Matakana and Snells Beach
I WANT to walk and cycle more for the benefit of the planet and my health. However, lack of infrastructure and safety concerns, prevent this, especially in Rodney East which has one of the highest road tolls in the region
I support the funding and development of the Matakana Coast Trail Trust trail in the Rodney district, because:
– It will get cars off the road – commuters and school trips – less carbon emissions!
– My kids could safely bike to school, the current roads are dangerous!
– The rest of New Zealand has many trail options – Auckland has virtually none!
– Our community (the Auckland region / the Rodney district) is growing so rapidly but the infrastructure hasn’t kept up, and we could all do with more outdoor options
3. Scroll down and hit Save and Continue.
(The other questions are totally optional!)