Update from the Deputy Chair
We seem to have good news every day, from property owners offering easements across land for the trail, to the great news that we have been successful in our bid for $500,000 from the Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund.
A portion of those funds are specifically for the development of the Point Wells to Matakana Country Park trail that is construction ready. We realise that to be successful in attracting funding opportunities we need to know that the community is in our corner providing good support. The trust has begun presenting to 22 community groups between Pūhoi and Mangawhai to inform them on the trail progress and to give the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback and to contribute.
The Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust are leading a project with support from Auckland Council to initially develop 3 cultural markers at selected sites along the planned trail. The project enables Ngāti Manuhiri to share cultural narratives and knowledge about the surrounding environment and cultural history, and to have a strong presence and visibility along the physical trail and corridor. Current work is focusing on developing the designs for the cultural markers and confirming their locations and materials.
Allison Roe, Deputy Chair of Matakana Coast Trail Trust
Project sections underway
- Te Muri Estuary crossing: feasibility studies and environmental assessments are positive. We are pleased to be working with Friends of Regional Parks in this area.
- Point Wells design example below.

Our strategic vision
Creating a world class recreation and adventure trail connecting communities from Pūhoi in the south, spanning the Matakana Coast region to Mangawhai in the north.

Key milestones achieved
- MCTT has been successful in our bid for $500,000 from the Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund.
- Our Trail Network Programme Manager ran community engagement workshops with WSP Opus, Mahurangi, Warkworth, Leigh, and Snells Beach trail groups, to provide feedback on the trail route map.
- The Point Wells to Matakana Country Park trail design has been approved by Auckland Transport and is ready for investment.